I did this project in Fall 2020 alongside my teammates Bonnie Sun, Ted Kim, Yining Liu, and Nektar Ege Altintoprak.
This is a fridge menu interface designed to give an electronic fridge multiple different functions related to the home, which include the following:
1) Checking and setting the fridge compartments' temperatures
2) Looking through security camera footage from around the house
3) Whiteboard function for writing down notes and illustrations
4) Calendar for recording upcoming important events
5) Stereo app to play music
6) Recipe list to cook various dishes
7) Profile system to allow multiple people to store their accounts on the fridge and see their data (e.g. their calendar meetings)

I handled the Security System portion, which consists of three screens: 
1) Security Home Screen
2) Security Camera List and live recordings
3) Security Camera Footage History

All 7 features were designed to be used on either the fridge screen or an accompanying smartphone app screen at the user's discretion.
Phases of Project
1) User Flow Diagrams [October 2020]
Each member came up with their own user flow text box diagrams to detail the rough order of screens that the user would go through when using a specific portion of the fridge interface.  I made a diagram for the house security system screens.
2) UI Screen Rough Drafts [October-November 2020]
After the user flow diagrams, we each made a set of rough draft screens that represented what our portion of the fridge interface would do in the final prototype.  Many revisions were made to our screens, including mine, in order to make them presentable and screen-friendly in the final version.
3) Final Prototype [November 2020]
Once all the screens were finalized, our team put it all together in Axure and imported the file to VRED, where the file was integrated into VRED's 3D fridge interface and functioned like an actual fridge screen by being able to click on the screen to simulate tapping the fridge's screen.
My Contributions
User Flow Diagrams
I made a user flow diagram for the fridge security system, which is in a picture accompanying this paragraph.  It details the overall process of using the security system, which starts at the login screen and goes to the main menu, where the users can then select one of several options and then loop back to the main menu at their discretion.
UI Screen Rough Drafts
After the user flow diagram, I made a few rough draft screens of the security system, which included a footer menu bar with touchable icons, as well as 4 different screens: a main menu, a list of cameras with live footage, a list of registered devices, and a history of past camera footage.
Final Prototype
After heavy revisions from other group members, I made the final versions of the security system screens for both the fridge (pictured with caption) and for the smartphone as well (top of the page).  
User Flow Diagram
User Flow Diagram
UI Screen Rough Drafts
UI Screen Rough Drafts
Final Fridge Screens
Final Fridge Screens
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